Order: {
    cumulateQuantity: string;
    fee: string;
    lastExecutedPrice: string;
    lastExecutedQuantity: string;
    orderCreateTime: number;
    orderId: string;
    owner: string;
    price: string;
    quantity: number;
    side: number;
    status: OrderStatus;
    symbol: string;
    timeInForce: number;
    tradeId: string;
    transactionHash: string;
    transactionTime: number;
    type: string;


Type declaration

  • cumulateQuantity: string

    total amount of trades that have made

  • fee: string

    trading fee on the latest updated block of this order. Multiple assets are split by semicolon.

  • lastExecutedPrice: string

    price of last execution

  • lastExecutedQuantity: string

    quantity of last execution

  • orderCreateTime: number

    time of order creation

  • orderId: string

    Order ID

  • owner: string

    order issuer

  • price: string

    order price

  • quantity: number

    order quantity

  • side: number

    1 for buy and 2 for sell

  • status: OrderStatus

    Order status

  • symbol: string

    trading pair symbol

  • timeInForce: number

    1 for Good Till Expire(GTE) order and 3 for Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)

  • tradeId: string

    trade ID

  • transactionHash: string

    hash of transaction

  • transactionTime: number

    time of latest order update, for example, cancel, expire

  • type: string

    only 2 is available for now, meaning limit order

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