Type alias TickerStatistics

TickerStatistics: {
    askPrice: string;
    askQuantity: string;
    bidPrice: string;
    bidQuantity: string;
    closeTime: number;
    count: number;
    firstId: string;
    highPrice: string;
    lastId: string;
    lastPrice: string;
    lastQuantity: string;
    lowPrice: string;
    openPrice: string;
    openTime: number;
    prevClosePrice: string;
    priceChange: string;
    priceChangePercent: string;
    quoteVolume: string;
    symbol: string;
    volume: string;
    weightedAvgPrice: string;


Type declaration

  • askPrice: string

    sell price

  • askQuantity: string

    sell quantity

  • bidPrice: string

    buy price

  • bidQuantity: string

    buy quantity

  • closeTime: number

    time of closing

  • count: number

    total trade count

  • firstId: string

    ID of first trade

  • highPrice: string

    highest price

  • lastId: string

    ID of last trade

  • lastPrice: string

    last price

  • lastQuantity: string

    last quantity

  • lowPrice: string

    lowest price

  • openPrice: string

    open price

  • openTime: number

    open time

  • prevClosePrice: string

    last close price

  • priceChange: string

    change of price

  • priceChangePercent: string

    change of price in percentage

  • quoteVolume: string

    trading volume in quote asset

  • symbol: string

    trading symbol

  • volume: string

    trading volume

  • weightedAvgPrice: string

    weighted average price

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