This class manages retrieving information from up-to-date Mayachain.


  • Constructor to create a MayachainCache.


    • midgardQuery: MidgardQuery = ...

      An instance of the Maya MidgardQuery API.

    • mayanode: Mayanode = ...

      An instance of the Maya Mayanode API.

    • Optional configuration: Partial<MayachainCacheConf>

      Optional configuration for the cache.

    Returns MayachainCache



assetDecimalsCache: CachedValue<Record<string, number>>
inboundDetailCache: CachedValue<Record<string, InboundDetail>>
mayanode: Mayanode
midgardQuery: MidgardQuery


  • Get the number of decimals of the supported Mayachain tokens.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, number>>

    A record with the string asset notation as key and the number of decimals as value.

  • Refreshes the number of decimals of the supported Mayachain tokens.

    Returns Promise<Record<string, number>>

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