

mimirApis: MimirApi[]
network: Network
networkApis: NetworkApi[]
quoteApis: QuoteApi[]


  • Get the set of asgard addresses that should be used for inbound transactions.

    Returns Promise<InboundAddress[]>

    MAYA inbound addresses

  • Get current active mimir configuration.

    Returns Promise<MimirResponse>

    mimir configuration

  • TODO


    • fromAsset: string

      input asset

    • toAsset: string

      output asset

    • amount: number

      amount to swap

    • Optional destinationAddress: string

      destination address for the swap

    • Optional toleranceBps: number

      slip percent

    • Optional affiliateBps: number

      affiliate percent

    • Optional affiliate: string

      affiliate address

    • Optional height: number

      block height

    Returns Promise<QuoteSwapResponse>

    quotes swap object response

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