Constructs a new instance of the Midgard API client.
Optional configuration for the API client.
configurationList actions along with their related transactions. An action is generated by one or more inbound transactions with the intended action set in the transaction memo. The action may result in one or more outbound transactions. Results are paginated by sets of 50. Filters may be applied to query actions.
address: stringComma separated list. Address of sender or recipient of any in/out transaction related to the action.
txid: stringID of any in/out tx related to the action
asset: stringComma separated list. Any asset that is part of the action (CHAIN.SYMBOL) Additionally, synth, nosynth, and norune filters can be used for swap, add/withdraw actions.
type: stringOne or more comma separated unique types of action (swap, addLiquidity, withdraw, donate, refund, switch)
affiliate: stringComma separated list. Affiliate address of the action (swap, refund)
limit: numbernumber of actions returned, default is 50
offset: numberpagination offset, default is 0
nextPageToken: numberif this is given, the actions for the next page will be given
timestamp: numberif this is given, the actions older than the timestamp will be given
height: numberif this is given, the actions older than the height will be given
prevPageToken: numberif this is given, the actions for the previous page will be given
fromTimestamp: numberif this is given, the actions newer than the timestamp will be given
fromHeight: numberif this is given, the actions newer than the height will be given
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Actions List
Returns all coin amounts of the given address at the specified timestamp or height, or at the latest process block if neither is provided. (Only one of timestamp or height can be specified, not both.) This endpoint is enabled only if the midgard startup config allows it.
Rune address.
timestamp: numberUnix timestamp as seconds since 1970 (if provided, height must not be provided)
height: numberBlock height (if provided, timestamp must not be provided)
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Current balance for an address
Returns an array of statistics for all the open loans associated with a given borrower address.
Address to match borrower, an asset address is given. Query can also be multiple addresses should be seperated by comma (',')
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Borrower Details
Returns an array containing the addresses for all borrowers. Addresses are only shown once.
asset: stringReturn only borrowers getting loan against this asset as collateral.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Borrowers List
Returns the asset and rune depths and price. The values report the state at the end of each interval. History endpoint has two modes: * With Interval parameter it returns a series of time buckets. From and To dates will be rounded to the Interval boundaries. * Without Interval parameter a single From..To search is performed with exact timestamps. * Interval: possible values: 5min, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. * count: [1..400]. Defines number of intervals. Don't provide if Interval is missing. * from/to: optional int, unix second. Possible usages with interval. * last 10 days: ?interval=day&count=10
* last 10 days before to: ?interval=day&count=10&to=1608825600
* next 10 days after from: ?interval=day&count=10&from=1606780800
* Days between from and to. From defaults to start of chain, to defaults to now. Only the first 400 intervals are returned: interval=day&from=1606780800&to=1608825600
Pagination is possible with from&count and then using the returned meta.endTime as the From parameter of the next query. Possible configurations without interval: * exact search for one time frame: ?from=1606780899&to=1608825600
* one time frame until now: ?from=1606780899
* from chain start until now: no query parameters
Return stats for this single pool.
interval: "5min" | "hour" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "quarter" | "year"Interval of calculations
count: numberNumber of intervals to return. Should be between [1..400].
to: numberEnd time of the query as unix timestamp. If only count is given, defaults to now.
from: numberStart time of the query as unix timestamp
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Depth and Price History
Returns earnings data for the specified interval. History endpoint has two modes: * With Interval parameter it returns a series of time buckets. From and To dates will be rounded to the Interval boundaries. * Without Interval parameter a single From..To search is performed with exact timestamps. * Interval: possible values: 5min, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. * count: [1..400]. Defines number of intervals. Don't provide if Interval is missing. * from/to: optional int, unix second. Possible usages with interval. * last 10 days: ?interval=day&count=10
* last 10 days before to: ?interval=day&count=10&to=1608825600
* next 10 days after from: ?interval=day&count=10&from=1606780800
* Days between from and to. From defaults to start of chain, to defaults to now. Only the first 400 intervals are returned: interval=day&from=1606780800&to=1608825600
Pagination is possible with from&count and then using the returned meta.endTime as the From parameter of the next query. Possible configurations without interval: * exact search for one time frame: ?from=1606780899&to=1608825600
* one time frame until now: ?from=1606780899
* from chain start until now: no query parameters
interval: "5min" | "hour" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "quarter" | "year"Interval of calculations
count: numberNumber of intervals to return. Should be between [1..400].
to: numberEnd time of the query as unix timestamp. If only count is given, defaults to now.
from: numberStart time of the query as unix timestamp
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Earnings History
Returns an object containing the health response of the API. Meaning of heights: lastThorNode - Latest block as reported by ThorNode. lastFetched - Latest block fetched from ThorNode. lastCommitted - Latest block committed to the DB but not fully processed yet. lastAggregated - Latest block fully processed and aggregated. genesisInfo - The genesis height Midgard bootstrapped with.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Health Info
Returns an object with known pools and their statuses
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Known Pools List
Returns withdrawals and deposits for given time interval. If pool is not specified returns for all pools History endpoint has two modes: * With Interval parameter it returns a series of time buckets. From and To dates will be rounded to the Interval boundaries. * Without Interval parameter a single From..To search is performed with exact timestamps. * Interval: possible values: 5min, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. * count: [1..400]. Defines number of intervals. Don't provide if Interval is missing. * from/to: optional int, unix second. Possible usages with interval. * last 10 days: ?interval=day&count=10
* last 10 days before to: ?interval=day&count=10&to=1608825600
* next 10 days after from: ?interval=day&count=10&from=1606780800
* Days between from and to. From defaults to start of chain, to defaults to now. Only the first 400 intervals are returned: interval=day&from=1606780800&to=1608825600
Pagination is possible with from&count and then using the returned meta.endTime as the From parameter of the next query. Possible configurations without interval: * exact search for one time frame: ?from=1606780899&to=1608825600
* one time frame until now: ?from=1606780899
* from chain start until now: no query parameters
pool: stringReturn stats for given pool. Returns sum of all pools if missing
interval: "5min" | "hour" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "quarter" | "year"Interval of calculations
count: numberNumber of intervals to return. Should be between [1..400]
to: numberEnd time of the query as unix timestamp. If only count is given, defaults to now
from: numberStart time of the query as unix timestamp
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Liquidity Changes History
Returns an array of statistics for all the liquidity providers associated with a given member address.
Address to match liquidity providers. Either a rune or an asset address may be given. Query can also be multiple addresses should be seperated by comma (',')
showSavers: booleanA flag to show saver vault membership details, the default is false.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Member Details
Returns an array containing the addresses for all pool members. Addresses are only shown once. If there's both a RUNE address and an asset address for a member, only the RUNE address will be shown.
pool: stringReturn only members present in the pool.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Members List
Returns details of the pool: depths, price, 24h volume, APY.
pool name
period: "1h" | "24h" | "7d" | "14d" | "30d" | "90d" | "100d" | "180d" | "365d" | "all"Specifies the base interval from which APY is extrapolated. Default is 30d.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Details of a Pool
Statistics about the pool. The description of the fields have pointers about the corresponding v2/history location. Visit the history endpoint for drilldowns.
pool name
period: "1h" | "24h" | "7d" | "14d" | "30d" | "90d" | "100d" | "180d" | "365d" | "all"Restricts aggregation type fields to the last period only. Default is 30d.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Pool Statistics
Returns an array containing details for a set of pools
status: "available" | "staged" | "suspended"Filter for only pools with this status
period: "1h" | "24h" | "7d" | "14d" | "30d" | "90d" | "100d" | "180d" | "365d" | "all"Specifies the base interval from which annualPercentageRate and poolAPY is extrapolated. Default is 14d.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Pools List
Returns an array of statistics for all the savers associated with a given member address. Query can also be multiple addresses should be seperated by comma (',')
Address to match the saver. an asset address should be given.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Saver Details
Returns savers depths and units. The values report the state at the end of each interval. History endpoint has two modes: * With Interval parameter it returns a series of time buckets. From and To dates will be rounded to the Interval boundaries. * Without Interval parameter a single From..To search is performed with exact timestamps. * Interval: possible values: 5min, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. * count: [1..400]. Defines number of intervals. Don't provide if Interval is missing. * from/to: optional int, unix second. Possible usages with interval. * last 10 days: ?interval=day&count=10
* last 10 days before to: ?interval=day&count=10&to=1608825600
* next 10 days after from: ?interval=day&count=10&from=1606780800
* Days between from and to. From defaults to start of chain, to defaults to now. Only the first 400 intervals are returned: interval=day&from=1606780800&to=1608825600
Pagination is possible with from&count and then using the returned meta.endTime as the From parameter of the next query. Possible configurations without interval: * exact search for one time frame: ?from=1606780899&to=1608825600
* one time frame until now: ?from=1606780899
* from chain start until now: no query parameters
Return stats for this single pool.
interval: "5min" | "hour" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "quarter" | "year"Interval of calculations
count: numberNumber of intervals to return. Should be between [1..400].
to: numberEnd time of the query as unix timestamp. If only count is given, defaults to now.
from: numberStart time of the query as unix timestamp
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Savers Units and Depth History
Returns an object containing global stats for all pools and all transactions
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Global Stats
Returns swap count, volume, fees, slip in specified interval. If pool is not specified returns for all pools History endpoint has two modes: * With Interval parameter it returns a series of time buckets. From and To dates will be rounded to the Interval boundaries. * Without Interval parameter a single From..To search is performed with exact timestamps. * Interval: possible values: 5min, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. * count: [1..400]. Defines number of intervals. Don't provide if Interval is missing. * from/to: optional int, unix second. Possible usages with interval. * last 10 days: ?interval=day&count=10
* last 10 days before to: ?interval=day&count=10&to=1608825600
* next 10 days after from: ?interval=day&count=10&from=1606780800
* Days between from and to. From defaults to start of chain, to defaults to now. Only the first 400 intervals are returned: interval=day&from=1606780800&to=1608825600
Pagination is possible with from&count and then using the returned meta.endTime as the From parameter of the next query. Possible configurations without interval: * exact search for one time frame: ?from=1606780899&to=1608825600
* one time frame until now: ?from=1606780899
* from chain start until now: no query parameters
pool: stringReturn history given pool. Returns sum of all pools if missing.
interval: "5min" | "hour" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "quarter" | "year"Interval of calculations
count: numberNumber of intervals to return. Should be between [1..400].
to: numberEnd time of the query as unix timestamp. If only count is given, defaults to now.
from: numberStart time of the query as unix timestamp
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Swaps History
Returns an array of chains and their addresses associated with the given THORName
a THORName
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
THORName Details
Returns an array of THORNames associated with the given address
Address to match THORNames against.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Gives a list of THORNames by reverse lookup
Returns an array of THORNames owned by the address. The address is not necessarily an associated address for those thornames.
Address which owns a THORName.
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
THORName owner
Returns total pool depths, total bonds, and total value locked in specified interval. Total Value Locked = Total Bonds + 2 * Total Pool Depths History endpoint has two modes: * With Interval parameter it returns a series of time buckets. From and To dates will be rounded to the Interval boundaries. * Without Interval parameter a single From..To search is performed with exact timestamps. * Interval: possible values: 5min, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year. * count: [1..400]. Defines number of intervals. Don't provide if Interval is missing. * from/to: optional int, unix second. Possible usages with interval. * last 10 days: ?interval=day&count=10
* last 10 days before to: ?interval=day&count=10&to=1608825600
* next 10 days after from: ?interval=day&count=10&from=1606780800
* Days between from and to. From defaults to start of chain, to defaults to now. Only the first 400 intervals are returned: interval=day&from=1606780800&to=1608825600
Pagination is possible with from&count and then using the returned meta.endTime as the From parameter of the next query. Possible configurations without interval: * exact search for one time frame: ?from=1606780899&to=1608825600
* one time frame until now: ?from=1606780899
* from chain start until now: no query parameters
interval: "5min" | "hour" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "quarter" | "year"Interval of calculations
count: numberNumber of intervals to return. Should be between [1..400].
to: numberEnd time of the query as unix timestamp. If only count is given, defaults to now.
from: numberStart time of the query as unix timestamp
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>Override http request option.
Total Value Locked History
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents the Midgard API client, extending the DefaultApi class.