How to use


yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-bitcoincash

Following peer dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @xchainjs/xchain-bitcoincash.

yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-client @xchainjs/xchain-crypto @xchainjs/xchain-util axios @psf/bitcoincashjs-lib bchaddrjs

Bitcoincash Client Testing

yarn install
yarn test

Basic Usage Example

Connect wallet to new Bitcoincash Client

Network default is Mainnet

// Imports
import { Client } from "@xchainjs/xchain-bitcoincash"

// Connect wallet to new BitcoinCash Client & validate address
const connectWallet = async () => {
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const bchClient = new Client({phrase})
    let address = bchClient.getAddress()
    let isValid = bchClient.validateAddress(address)
    if( isValid === true ){
        try {
            const balance = await bchClient.getBalance(address)
            let assetAmount = (baseToAsset(balance[0].amount)).amount()
            console.log(`With balance: ${assetAmount}`)
        } catch (error) {
            console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)
    } else {
        console.log(`Address ${address} is not valid`)

Transfer using BitcoinCash Client

Transaction parameters. Default fee rate is: 1
Returns transaction hash string

import { assetToBase, assetAmount, AssetBCH } from "@xchainjs/xchain-util"

// Convert amount to transfer to BaseAmount using helper functions  
const transferBitcoinCash = async () => {
    let amountToTransfer = 0.01
    let recipient = await getRecipientAddress()
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const bchClient = new Client({ phrase })
    let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, BCH_DECIMAL))
    console.log("Building transaction")
    try {
        const txid = await bchClient.transfer({ 
            "asset": AssetBCH,
            "amount": amount,
        console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txid}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)

// Build transaction with feeRate adjustment
const feeRates = await bchClient.getFeeRates()
console.log(feeRates.average,, feeRates.fastest)

try {
        const txid = await bchClient.transfer({ 
            "asset": AssetBCH,
            "amount": amount,
            feeRate: feeRates.average // default is 1
        console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txid}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)

Get current fees & fee rates.

getFees() returns fees in base amount i.e BCH Fees Fast: 0.00000234 Fastest: 0.0000117 Average: 0.00000117
getFeeRates() returns feeRates as number

// Query client for fees and fee rates
const returnFees = async () => {
    llet phrase = "phrase"
    const bchClient = new Client({phrase })
    try {
        const {fast, fastest, average} = await bchClient.getFees()
        console.log(`Fees Fast: ${baseToAsset(fast).amount()} Fastest: ${baseToAsset(fastest).amount()} Average: ${baseToAsset(average).amount()}`)
        const feeRates = await bchClient.getFeeRates()
        console.log(feeRates.average,, feeRates.fastest)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)

Get transaction Data & transaction History

// Returns transaction object for a particular txId
const transactionData = async () => {
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const bchClient = new Client({phrase })
    let hash = "insert hash"

    try {
        const txData = await bchClient.getTransactionData(hash)
        console.log(`From ${JSON.stringify(txData)}`)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)

// Returns transaction history for a particular address
const transactionHistory = async () => {
    let phrase = "phrase"
    const bchClient = new Client({phrase })
    let Address = bchClient.getAddress()

    try {
        const txHistory = await bchClient.getTransactions({address: Address, limit: 4 })
        console.log(`Found ${}`)
        txHistory.txs.forEach(tx => console.log(tx.hash))
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)