How to use
yarn add @xchainjs/xchain-cosmos
Following peer dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @xchainjs/xchain-cosmos
yarn add @cosmos-client/core@0.45.1
Important note: Make sure to install same version of cosmos-client/core as xchain-cosmos is using (currently "@cosmos-client/core": "^0.45.1", ). In other case things might break.
Cosmos Client Testing
yarn install
yarn test
Basic usage examples
Connect wallet to new Cosmos Client
Create new thorchain client
Set phrase
and network
when creating an instance.
Network default is Mainnet
import { AssetAtom, Client, COSMOS_DECIMAL } from "@xchainjs/xchain-cosmos"
import { assetToBase, baseToAsset, assetAmount } from "@xchainjs/xchain-util"
// Create new instance of the client and query chain for balances.
const connectWallet = async () => {
let phrase = "phrase"
const cosmosClient = new Client({phrase})
let address = cosmosClient.getAddress()
let isValid = cosmosClient.validateAddress(address)
if(isValid === true){
try {
const balance = await cosmosClient.getBalance(address)
let assetAmount = (baseToAsset(balance[0].amount)).amount()
console.log(`Adress: ${address} with balance ${assetAmount}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught: ${error} `)
} else {
console.log(`Address: ${address} is invalid`)
Transfer ATOM using Cosmos Client
Create new Cosmos client instance
Convert amount to transfer to base amount
Build transaction.
const transfer = async () => {
let phrase = "phrase"
const cosmosclient = new Client({ phrase})
let amountToTransfer = 0.1
let amount = assetToBase(assetAmount(amountToTransfer, COSMOS_DECIMAL))
let recipient = "cosmos1f2hzu2cup9tk427w5tpfysvx9cf4c9wkud0qn9"
try {
const txid = await cosmosclient.transfer({
"amount": amount,
"recipient": recipient,
"memo": "test",
"asset": AssetAtom,
"walletIndex": 0
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${JSON.stringify(txid)}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
// Transfer with fee rate set
let feeRate = await cosmosClient.getFeeRates()
try {
const txid = await cosmosClient.transfer({
"amount": amount,
"recipient": recipient,
"memo": "test",
"asset": AssetAtom,
feeRate: feeRate.fastest
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txid}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)
Get transaction Data & transaction History
Retrieve transaction data using transaction hash and address
const transactionData = async () => {
let txHash = 'insert txHash'
let phrase = "phrase"
const cosmosClient = new Client({ phrase})
try {
const txData = await cosmosClient.getTransactionData(txHash)
console.log(`From ${JSON.stringify(txData)}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
// By default getTransactions() returns the transactions for the current address
const transactionHistory = async () => {
let phrase = "phrase"
const cosmosClient = new Client({phrase})
const address = cosmosClient.getAddress()
const url = cosmosClient.getExplorerUrl()
try {
const txHistory = await cosmosClient.getTransactions()
console.log(`Found ${}`)
txHistory.txs.forEach(tx => console.log(tx.hash))
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught: ${error}`)
Get transfer Fees
const feeData = async () => {
let phrase = "phrase"
const cosmosClient = new Client({ phrase})
try {
const {fast, fastest, average} = await cosmosClient.getFees()
console.log(`Fees Fast: ${baseToAsset(fast).amount()} Fastest: ${baseToAsset(fastest).amount()} Average: ${baseToAsset(average).amount()}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)
Get Network and Explorer Data
// Query Cosmos client for network data and explorer data
const explorerUrl = async () => {
let phrase = "phrase"
const cosmosClient = new Client({ phrase})
let hash = "insert hash"
try {
const networkData = cosmosClient.getExplorerUrl()
console.log(`Explorer url: ${networkData}`)
const transactionUrl = cosmosClient.getExplorerTxUrl(hash)
console.log(`Explorer transaction: ${transactionUrl}`)
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Caught ${error}`)